
Monday, June 21, 2010

Simple is beautiful...

So I decided to start this blog to help me remember to appreciate life, and everything in it. I grew up with a pretty simple life... a simple family, home, nothing too eventful. Ordinary. But nothing is wrong with ordinary. Ordinary is pretty wonderful if you learn to appreciate it. So I've decided I want to start looking at the small things in life, maybe nothing is ordinary if you decide to look at it.

Everything in my life has happened exactly they way I expected it to, and I have always done everything the way I was supposed to. I grew up with a very traditional family, who expected the most out of me and my sisters. I graduated high school, earned my bachelors, married the man of my dreams.. and am now in the process of living happily ever after.

So, to start this blog... I decided to walk around my 'life' and see the beauty.

Here is our home. We've had it for 4 years now, and it seems like we are just now learning how to take care of it, we really do learn something new every day. Our 3 bedroom/ 2 bath house is perfect for us. We had a lot of fun decorating, and did a few renovations. We are currently remodeling the guest bathroom.

This is the mosaic of small little tile above our front door of our 1960's home. I've always loved this tile, but hate that I don't ever really see it to appreciate it because I enter our home through our attached garage. Maybe I'll start walking through the front door.

This is part of our home that I once saw as a negative when we bought our home, but eventually fell in love with. This "weeping mortar" adds so much character to our house, PLUS it works wonders when cleaning... shaking out rugs is really easy when I have this textured brick and oozed mortar to hit them against. I'm now almost offended when people ask us if we are ever going to get rid of this short-lived fad.

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